Saturday 6 June 2015

Thinkers, Feelers and Awakened Ones

Radha: What is the importance of heart and the hara?

Dr. Yugandhar: Dear Radha,Good evening to you and each one on the board.Let us throw some light today on the heart and the hara. Most of the people are ruled and governed by either the head or by the heart. To be head full means to work more with their head and to ignore their own and others’ emotions. They are unmindful of their feelings of their own and others. They are the very practical head oriented people.

The other category is heart oriented people. They don't work with head. They are driven by their feelings. They are most instinctual. They are not intellectual. Their inspiration and strength is feeling. Everything that they do is driven by the strength of their own emotion. These people work from their heart.

All the conflicts of the world emerge from this pluralistic nature emerging from head or heart consciousness.

A few people ventured into reaching their centre of their own consciousness otherwise called as the hara. These people are called the enlightened ones or the awakened ones. They woke up from the slumber of head and heart consciousness. Head full or continuous heart full activity creates some kind of emotional and psychological slumber. It leads to spiritual lethargy. They are oblivious of the spiritual reality. But a few have examined and scanned their own feelings and thoughts and reached their core of their consciousness, where their head and heart become one. The thoughts and feelings become one.

At Hara, all the dualities cease. A man of hara is the one who is driven by both thought and also the emotion. He is mindful of his thoughts and also the feelings. Get into the Hara by breathing through the abdomen - use the diaphragm - watch the smooth rise and fall of the abdomen with every inhalation and exhalation and you are at your centre - The treasure of inner peace and silence.

Best wishes! Thank you very much.

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