Tuesday 26 May 2015

Hara Awareness Cannot be Taught

Radha's question to Dr.Yugandhar

Radha : How hara breathing can be taught to teenagers and how will they be benefited out of it?
Dr. Yugandhar: Spiritual wisdom or anything that is related to enlightening aspects of our lives including hara breathing cannot be taught. All these things have only to be learnt. Nothing can be taught. All these things can only be introduced. Ultimately it's the student or the seeker because of his ardent nature and interest in learning can enter the path of evolution.
However, all these things can be introduced and the person who is introducing with his or her sheer intent can inspire the subject or the student to enter the path of evolution. There are no special modifications for hara breathing for children or teenagers or old people.
Hara breathing is simple- keeping the mind’s eye unto the hara , the centre of one’s consciousness - and watching the movements of the abdomen -Raise and fall of abdomen with every exhalation and inhalation. So slowly the mind’s eye gets fixed unto the hara. When the mind’s eye gets fixed unto hara, the mind gets emptied. Emptiness is meditation – and when emptiness is triggered, when emptiness is, initiated, when emptiness is in the process - the subject has entered the path of meditation.
It is neither the technique nor the practice which is called as meditation, What happens with the technique or practice is what is called as meditation. What happens is emptiness, what happens is the letting go, what happens is the complete cerebral data in the form of thoughts and emotion to be emptied. That process is called as meditation - it has to happen and it needs only two things - seriousness and sincerity.
When the subject is serious, bent upon it, automatically it happens.
What are its benefits?
Once the mind gets emptied - once the subject experiences the letting go phenomena, what can be done with that is pure individual's choice? The application part of it is individual's choice. What and how do you want to apply your emptiness of your mind into your routine activities of life, what and how to apply is only a choice? For teenagers may be - academics, may be getting one’s love may be chasing a career,etc, one can apply the emptiness to these. So the mindlessness or the emptiness of the mind leads to mind fullness. That is the application of mind.
Emptiness first, followed by application of it.
Mindlessness first, followed by mindfulness
So this is the trend, what is more important for one is least important for the other. So teenagers’ options of development can be worked upon with intense emptiness of the mind.
Thank you!!!

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