Friday 1 May 2015

Siddhis, Laws of Nature and Hara

Pankaj Patel: What are the laws of nature?

Dr.Yugandhar: Laws of nature are primarily empirical and arbitrary. They are not hard and fast. They are not ‘rules’. They are the reflections of self-created mass belief systems born out of the herd consciousness of the mankind. For example: the mass belief system believes that humans cannot communicate with each other in non-linguistic way. That is why we are unable to use our telepathic abilities. So, the entire thoughts, ideas and beliefs of this ‘herd’ consciousness turn into a strong, global psycho spiritual matrix. A huge fabric of Psycho-emotional-spiritual matrix aided by the divine intelligence turns finally in to the laws of nature.

These laws always change from different phases of the planetary evolution. What was the law in Satya Yuga is not the law in Kali Yuga because of the density of the psycho spiritual matrix. In certain yugas as Satya Yuga, the psycho- spiritual matrix is not so very dense as is seen in Kali Yuga. Hence, there was lot of siddhis displayed by our Gods and Demons as per the Ithihasas we have been reading. Ravana had great powers, almost as good as Rama. But, Rama outsmarted Ravana in the siddhis. Same with Sri Krishna, who outsmarted Narakasur, along with Satyabhama. So, all these Gods, so called Gods outsmarted the Demons. Who could not outsmart are called Demons, who outsmarted are called Gods.

The only difference between these two people is: if A is meditation or sadhana or spirituality, B is self realization or awakening or enlightenment and C is the siddhis or powers or defied laws of nature or denial of laws of nature. Siddhis are nothing but, going against the so-called laws of nature. To attain the siddhis one has to pass through B i.e., self-realization or awakening or enlightenment. If a person bypasses B and jumps from A (sadhana or meditation) in to C (siddhis) he can be called as a demon, a Ravana, a Bakasur or Hitler or Saddam Hussein, who are more interested for self power and control over others. The 'Stitha' Consciousness needs to get transformed into 'Siddha' Consciousness. If a person passes via this enlightenment process, the siddhis attained will be used for over all benefit of the mankind. So, this psycho-spiritual matrix, which is other wise called as the laws of nature change with time, change with period. 

In the present Kali Yuga there are some people who can go against the self-created laws and their conscious level is so much powerful that they can display all the siddhis but they must pass through this stage B . How does one explain a Yogi defying the so called laws by way of stopping their heart for more than an hour, levitation etc?

Once this Kali yuga slowly declines, fades and enters in to next level of evolution, the psycho-spiritual matrix or the laws of nature will become little more liberal so that so many modes of communication happen and what was a law will not be anymore a law. This is the way we need to understand the so-called laws of nature.

Sreenivas: How do we manage both spiritual and social pursuits together without each interfering into other?

Dr.Yugandhar: The whole problem lies in dividing the socio and spiritual realities. Seeing the external world and the internal world as two separate states of consciousness, as two separate frequencies, as two separate worlds. The fact is that these two are not two separate frequencies; the subjective and objective are not two separating things. They are one and the same, they are reflections (of the same or each other), they mutually reflect.

All the challenges or the problems or the situations in the worldly life in the name of social pursuits need spiritual wisdom. And the social challenges in fact can be utilized; can be taken as premises and perspectives. The social challenges can be taken as precipitating factors to go within and search for spiritual wisdom. Once we get the insight from this internal search, the same can be applied for all the social problems.

We use the word ‘individual’. Let us understand this word ‘individual’. The word ‘individual’ means the undivided whole, no duality. When you become one undivided entity (or) one indivisible self, you are called as individual. So, the very division between social and spiritual reality is creating this schizophrenia in the consciousness. In fact, the whole world is suffering from horrible pandemic scourge called as nuclear amnesia. Let me coin in a new word today – nuclear amnesia. Nucleus, the very center of our consciousness, very core of our consciousness has been forgotten. There is a horrible amnesia and we are all revolving like electrons in the orbits. And the very center of the consciousness has moved from the very center to different levels of orbits. People who are farther away from the nucleus, moving more in external orbits far away from one’s core - they see that the social reality and the spiritual reality are totally different. They see the huge gulf between the internal and external world. The more you move from the peripheral, centrifugalized phenomenon towards one’s core moving towards inner orbits, slowly the gulf between the outer self or outer orbits or the social reality and the inner reality, the very core of consciousness gets diminished. So much so that, you become totally empty. You feel the holistic consciousness ruling the whole world outer and inside. So, I want to say that the spiritual wisdom and the daily life cannot be separated. If you see from separated consciousness, we suffer a lot. And the whole problem lies here. Spiritual enlightenment and daily life cannot be separated. It is impossible to separate and one should not try to separate them.

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